Friday, June 22, 2018

Top 10 baby items 0-3 months

Top 10 Baby Items
(0-3 months)

     Easton would only sleep in his Rock n' Play for the first 4 months of his life. It rocks and is inclined so it's perfect for babies with tummy problems.

     We loved our muslin blankets. They're not to thick and not to thin which makes them perfect for swaddling a new baby no matter the temperature. 

     Swaddles are a great way to make a baby feel cozy and snuggled tightly without all the work of actually swaddling them. 

     Easton only used sleep gowns for the first couple months until he was able to get his legs out of them but they're perfect for night time. The open bottom makes diapers changes so much quicker so you can get back to sleep faster. 

     The swing was one of my most used baby items. Easton loved moving around at all times so the swing made it easier for me to get other things done without holding him all the time. I love the portable ones because then you can easily fold them for storage or to move from room to room with you. 

     The boppy was a life save for feedings. Check out my hospital bag post to learn more about this amazing pillow. 

     Our travel system was perfect for walking off that baby weight. I could just unfold the jogging stroller click on the carseat and be good to go. 

     We didn't use the play mat until about a month and a half but I wish i would have sooner. Baby can play laying on their back or have tummy time play. 

     Bottles are a necessity if you decide not to breast feed and I love Avent. They have so many styles and options at such a good price. 

     I loved our pacifiers. They helped soothe Easton to sleep almost every night for the first 6 months. The Avent soothies were our favorite because they were easier for Easton to hold in his mouth which meant more sleep for mommy. 

I hope you enjoyed my top 10 products. If you have a favorite be sure to let us know in the comments.

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