Friday, July 27, 2018

Open Letter To The New Mom

Open Letter to the New Mom

You've brought your beautiful new addition into the world. Congratulations! Now you just have to adjust to having this new little person depend on you for everything every second of the day. It's pretty hard right? I know I've been there and so has every other mom, even the ones who look like they always have everything together. I could tell you it will get easier, I'd also be lying. It doesn't get easier, ever. Life will eventually feel normal again though, It's just a different kind of normal. Eventually you and your new baby will find a groove and you will adjust and so will your baby. For right now all you can do is your best. So get a good cup of coffee (learn how to make a good cup at home, you'll need it), put the baby down and take a hot shower, and breathe mamma you're doing your best and it will pay off.

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