Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Mommy Self Care Ideas

Mommy Self Care Ideas
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Self care is one of the most important things to being and doing your best. If you don't feel at your best you won't do your best. I really try to have a self care night one night a week after E is asleep to make me feel less like I'm just a mom and more like a person. 
     As soon as the baby goes down for bed I pick up the living room and kitchen then my me time begins. I start with a Hair Mask. I love diy beauty and my hair mask is just that. You mix together 2 tbsp. Shea Butter 1 tbsp Olive Oil 1 tbsp Mayo, and 1 egg and apply it all over the hair. This mask adds strength to you hair and makes it grow faster.
Then I do a Face Mask. I start by washing my face with the Burts Bees Micellar Water wipes. (Get yours here.) Then I apply the mask. I really like the Mary Kay Charcoal Mask right now, or you can diy one with 1 cup Coconut Oil, 2 tbsp Baking Soda, and 6 Capsules of Activated Charcoal. After my mask dries I peel it off and move on to the next step.
Bath. I love a good relaxing bath. Milk baths have become my new favorite thing because my skin feels so soft after. My favorite is a Cinnamon Vanilla Milk Bath. Just add 2 cups of Milk, 1 tbsp of Vanilla, and 2 tsp of Cinnamon to a container with a lid. Shake well. Then add to a hot bath. 
While I soak in the bath I usually do my Nails and Toes, read, or scroll through pinterest. 
Once my nails are dry I get out of the bath drain the water and rinse off in the shower. Then it's pjs and the bed for me. Have fun, pamper yourself, everyone deserves some self care.

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