Monday, July 2, 2018

Meals for Babies and Young Todddlers

Meals for Babies and Young Toddlers

When E first switched to table food I was at a loss on what to feed him. He had two teeth and was working on growing two more but what could be eaten with only two teeth. Well it turns out there's a lot that he can eat. Here is a list of meals we've tried and love.


  1. Whole wheat waffle with fruit cream cheese and chopped berries
  2. Yogurt with cheerios and peaches
  3. scrambled egg with sliced cherry tomatoes and whole wheat toast 
  4. Baby food smoothie with cheerios
  5. Chopped hard boiled egg with kiwi and pineapple chunks


  1. Vienna sausages with grapes and peas
  2. Gerber pasta pickups with assorted veggies
  3. Thinly cut up cheese quesadilla with black beans
  4. Rainbow plate (tomatoes, chopped orange peppers, pineapple chunks, peas, blue berries, purple carrots)
  5. Mac and cheese with grape tomatoes and broccoli


  1. Cheese puffs
  2. Rice husks
  3. Fruit cocktail 
  4. Chopped fruit
  5. Chopped veggies

  1. Chicken with mixed veggies and pasta
  2. Tomato soup with gold flish
  3. Ham cubes with peas and cooked carrots
  4. Shredded chicken with rice and tomatoes
  5. Lean ground hamburger with avocado and black berries
These are just a few of the foods E loves eating. For us it was really just trial and error. If I was eating something I would cut up a small piece and let Easton try it. After awhile E got better at chewing and trying new foods and now we have a pretty long list of food he loves.

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