Baby and Mommy Night Time Routine
Creating a night time routine is easily one of the best things I've done with Easton so far. It improved his sleep schedule, my sleep schedule, and my productivity during the day. It took about two months before it truly started to feel like a routine but it was so worth all the time we put into it. One important tip I learned the hard way is make sure anyone who keeps your child or is around your child at night knows their schedule/routine. This way there are no miscommunications that could potentially throw off any progress you make.
So let's get started.
7-7:30 p.m. Dinner Time for Mom & Baby
Now that Easton has switched to table food he usually eats pretty close to the same things I do at the same time I do. (I'll be posting a "what my 8 month old eats" soon so keep an eye out for that.)
7:30-8 p.m. Calm Down Play
I like to keep Easton in his high chair until bath time because he always makes such a mess with dinner so I use this time for some creative sensory play. Stacking blocks, finger painting (with edible paint) and shape sorting toys (like
this one) are some of our favorites.
8-8:30 p.m. Bath Time for Baby
Playing in the bathtub is one of Easton's favorite things to do. He loves to splash and play with his rubber ducky collection.
8:30-9 p.m. Book, Bottle, and Bed for Baby
At this point E is really starting to wined down. Usually me, E, and daddy will all cuddle up on our big bed and I will feed E while daddy reads him books. Bed time for E is 9 p.m.
9-10 p.m. Clean-up Time
Now that E is in his crib I come into the kitchen and clean up any mess made from dinner. I also pick up any toys that have been scattered through the house and make sure the house is picked up for the next day.
10-11 p.m. Blogging/ Planning Time
I am a compulsive planner (literally I have blogs planned till September) so I like to use this last little bit of free time for planning and of course blogging.
11 p.m. Bed for Mom
By 11 p.m. I turn off my computer set my alarm and head off to bed.
I hope this helps anyone trying to establish a nigh time routine. It's a lot of work and takes awhile to adjust to but it truly has made so much of a difference for me and E and I hope it will for you too. Leave a comment and tell me about your night time routine and check back later this week for my morning routine.